Another Snow Day!

Another Snow Day!

Yay Me!  Another Snow day!  Actually, I do really like the snow.  What I don’t care for is the fighting and arguing that go with it, when we are all stuck in the house together.  Oh Well, I suppose it could be worse.  I do have an out.  I can always fight my way through the snow and go next door and beg for coffee and a knitting lesson, if it gets really bad:)  

I have had a pretty busy morning already.  I submitted a proprosal for a freelance job that involves writing 150 articles, yesterday and this morning I had a response.  The employer asked if I had any samples of articles that were ‘religious’ in nature.  They don’t usually post exactly what you will be writing in the listings.  After I stopped laughing, I told him, that I was sure I could find a few to send him.  It did take me a while to find something that was relatively simple and not too involved.  I settled on one about the Etruscans, but that one is very long.  So, I just sent him about 2 pages worth and offered to send something else if he wanted.  I just think it is so funny, that he asked if I had anything on religion.  Someone must not have read my profile or even looked at my portfolio.  I think I would really enjoy this particular job if I get it.  I certainly did not have the lowest bid or the highest.  So, I guess it comes down to if he likes how I write or note.   Don’t worry, I don’t write articles the same way I blog.  I actually use things like grammar and spellcheck:)  Here I just type.

I did finish my finish the other contract.  It took about 25 minutes.  Which really works out will for me since I was billing her $20/hr.  There is a 2 hour minimum on the site, so that they can get their fee.  So, all total I ended up making $18.25 an hour for that, which I think was not to shabby:)  I didn’t have to pay a sitter or walk through the snow to get to work:)  I am liking this gig.  I am getting several ‘invitations’ to bid a day, which is good, because now I can pick and choose.  Having some recommendations on there helps too.  An Invitation to bid, is just were a company or person, sees your profile and contacts to see if you want to work for them.

Anyway, on to other news.

Wait, I don’t think I have any.  I guess that means I need to go back to work on the laundry:)  the dryer is fixed, sort of.  The timed dry works but the energy saving setting doesn’t seem to.  The dishwasher started smoking last night, but I am pretty sure I know the reason why.  Bill, was being nice and he loaded and started the dishwasher for me.  He changed the settings to normal wash and Hi-temp dry.  Drying was when it started smoking.  The dishwasher guy who came out after we first got it, told me that because our water is so hard, just to leave it on high-temp wash and not to use the hi-temp dry. Because the build-up that occurs can cause issues if the hi-temp dry is used.  I guess he was right.  The boys know not to change the settings, but I guess Bill forgot.  Like I said he doesn’t run the dishwasher very often.  I do have stuff to clean it with, so I don’t imagine much harm was done:)  and it was sweet that he thought to turn it on:)  After he spent the day fixing the dryer and mudding the laundry room/bathroom.

See ya.