Happy Dance on a Snow Day

Happy Dance on a Snow Day

Today is yet another snow day.  It appears all of the weather folks got it wrong when they said we wouldn’t get but 2-4 inches total up here.  It is still snowing.  It is supposed to snow the rest of the day into tomorrow morning.  I got this information from NOAA.  Apparently, only NOAA really knows what is going on with the weather.

Whatever, no worries.  If the wind dies down a little, I’ll  make the boys go out and build us a fort:)  I have plenty of empty coffee can’s I have saving that will work great on this nice wet snow.

In other news, the jobs are really flooding in!  I did get the 150 article contract, and the folks from the Boston job asked if I would be willing do some more work for them.  Ah, yeah!  Like I would say no!  And, I am talking to a lady in Devonshire, England about writing for her magazine!  I am so loving this staying home and writing and getting paid to do it!  It is Perfect for me.

Bill was a little less than enthusiastic about it.  When I told him, he said, ‘yeah’.  That was his entire response.  I know he rarely pays attention to what I say, which is understandable, since I talk all the time.  But, the least he could have done was a ‘that’s great’ to it.:)  Oh well, we can’t have everything.  I am too proud of myself at the moment to be upset that he isn’t.  He might not have been paying attention enough to even register what I said.  I posted it on Facebook, maybe he will read that.  He doesn’t usually read my posts and never my blog, so it’s hard to tell.  Maybe he’ll notice next year at tax time, when I have income to report lol.  As for now, I’ll just do my thing and enjoy it.  I think his problem with the whole writing thing is, I am not getting a check with a set amount every week.  I think that is what he would really like to see, but we can’t do that right now.  The boys are too young to be left alone at home, we only have one vehicle, which limits us to where I can work.  It would have to be within walking distance.  It also has to be extremely flexible with my hours.  I can’t work before 8:15 am, I have to take the boys to the bus stop and have time to walk wherever I was working.  I must be home by 3:30 pm, to get them off the bus.  Except twice a month, when I need to be home by 2:15 pm because of early release. I can’t work nights or weekends.  I also need to have every day the school is out off.  That is a bit much to ask of an employer.  I have, and guess what, they can find someone else, without all the demands I have.

So, for me, staying home and writing freelance, works best.  Yeah, I may not get credit for some of the things I do (ghost writing) but I will get paid and I’ll be here for the boys and Bill when he is home.

That works for me.

Another Snow Day!

Another Snow Day!

Yay Me!  Another Snow day!  Actually, I do really like the snow.  What I don’t care for is the fighting and arguing that go with it, when we are all stuck in the house together.  Oh Well, I suppose it could be worse.  I do have an out.  I can always fight my way through the snow and go next door and beg for coffee and a knitting lesson, if it gets really bad:)  

I have had a pretty busy morning already.  I submitted a proprosal for a freelance job that involves writing 150 articles, yesterday and this morning I had a response.  The employer asked if I had any samples of articles that were ‘religious’ in nature.  They don’t usually post exactly what you will be writing in the listings.  After I stopped laughing, I told him, that I was sure I could find a few to send him.  It did take me a while to find something that was relatively simple and not too involved.  I settled on one about the Etruscans, but that one is very long.  So, I just sent him about 2 pages worth and offered to send something else if he wanted.  I just think it is so funny, that he asked if I had anything on religion.  Someone must not have read my profile or even looked at my portfolio.  I think I would really enjoy this particular job if I get it.  I certainly did not have the lowest bid or the highest.  So, I guess it comes down to if he likes how I write or note.   Don’t worry, I don’t write articles the same way I blog.  I actually use things like grammar and spellcheck:)  Here I just type.

I did finish my finish the other contract.  It took about 25 minutes.  Which really works out will for me since I was billing her $20/hr.  There is a 2 hour minimum on the site, so that they can get their fee.  So, all total I ended up making $18.25 an hour for that, which I think was not to shabby:)  I didn’t have to pay a sitter or walk through the snow to get to work:)  I am liking this gig.  I am getting several ‘invitations’ to bid a day, which is good, because now I can pick and choose.  Having some recommendations on there helps too.  An Invitation to bid, is just were a company or person, sees your profile and contacts to see if you want to work for them.

Anyway, on to other news.

Wait, I don’t think I have any.  I guess that means I need to go back to work on the laundry:)  the dryer is fixed, sort of.  The timed dry works but the energy saving setting doesn’t seem to.  The dishwasher started smoking last night, but I am pretty sure I know the reason why.  Bill, was being nice and he loaded and started the dishwasher for me.  He changed the settings to normal wash and Hi-temp dry.  Drying was when it started smoking.  The dishwasher guy who came out after we first got it, told me that because our water is so hard, just to leave it on high-temp wash and not to use the hi-temp dry. Because the build-up that occurs can cause issues if the hi-temp dry is used.  I guess he was right.  The boys know not to change the settings, but I guess Bill forgot.  Like I said he doesn’t run the dishwasher very often.  I do have stuff to clean it with, so I don’t imagine much harm was done:)  and it was sweet that he thought to turn it on:)  After he spent the day fixing the dryer and mudding the laundry room/bathroom.

See ya.

Winter Storm Rocky

Winter Storm Rocky

We are naming snow storms now.  When did that happen?  Was there a memo I missed?  It is just snow.  It is winter.  I really don’t understand the panic.  Maybe it is because I lived in Alaska for long enough to know that 10 inches or even a foot of snow, really isn’t a lot snow.  When they start talking about 8-10 feet of snow, I may panic.  Well, probably not.  If you don’t like snow, or unpredictable weather, I would suggest that you move south.   This is the Midwest.  Our weather is unpredictable at times, but generally you can expect some sort of snow, during what we like to call ‘winter’.

Panic at Wal-Mart.

We ran to Wal-Mart because Bill was going to look for some cable thing to hook up one of his game systems for the boys.  I wanted to look at yarn and see if maybe the snow boots and heavy coats had gone on clearance yet, since they are dragging out all the spring/summer clothes.  They were cheaper, just not my target price of $1.00.  Lol, I know the coats & boots won’t go down that far, but a gal can hope:)  Anyway, we were just putzing around.  Hanging out at Wal-Mart is on the top-10 list of things to do here.  Anyway.

I can understand needing to run to the store, just in case, to get maybe some bread or milk or something you may run out of.  However, do you really need 6 cases of bottled water, two carts of food and one of everything they have in the store? Wal-Mart was wiped out!  The shelves were looking a little bare.

Usually, around mid-September or so, we do a major shopping.  Stock up on canned goods, baking goods, all that good stuff that is handy to have around the house, so you don’t go and spend $200 a week on groceries.  I do the same sort of shopping again before summer.  Why?  So, when the TV stations start encouraging people to run and stock up on food, because the roads will be terrible, I don’t have to go.  I don’t really care for shopping anyway.

The boys do indeed have school today.  The storm isn’t projected to hit until after 3 pm which is right before they get released from school anyway.  However, they seem to have some trouble actually pin-pointing the minute a storm will hit, so if it hits and if it hits like last time, it will be really nasty before they get home.  I just would hate to be out walking the dogs, and they need a very long walk after being cooped up, and they release the kids early.  No, cell phone.  But I am seriously thinking I should get one.  But, if I get one, people may call me.  Worse, they may text me.  I don’t want to text.  Texting doesn’t make sense.  You have a phone in your hand, just call and tell them.  Don’t worry about interrupting something.  No one has any manners anymore or pays attention to much, if they have a cellphone.  Usually, that is their entire focus.  I find that, very annoying.

I really, really, can’t possible express, how much I dislike, texting.  Why is everyone suddenly so important, that they can’t pay attention to the people they are physically with?  I wonder if they make cell phones without texting?  I don’t see the point, you are, after all holding a phone.  Since we are on the subject of stuff that annoys me, let’s talk about cell phones and dinner.

When did it become okay to talk on the phone during dinner?  If it is dinner at my house, we are not going to chat.  If I know you, I’ll tell you we are having dinner, I’ll call you back.  If I don’t, I won’t pick up.  I also am not going to be checking facebook and texting my buddies during dinner.  On a side note, I know people who do this, during big family dinners.  The whole family is gathered around the table, and they have their flippin’ phone next to them, texting.  RUDE.  What happened to manners?  Are manners one of those things are policically incorrect now?  Should we just not act in a respectful and courteous manner?  I could probably go on for days about manners.  But, not today.  Today, I have work to do.

I signed up with a freelance company right after InfoArmy decided to stop paying people, see that blog for details.  I didn’t get much from them, but I did get an assignment about a week ago.  A small article for a women’s magazine and all of the sudden I am flooded with offers?  I signed a contract and within 12 hours, I had 8 more offers.?!?!?!?  Huh?  I did get two interesting ones this morning.  A ghost writing one and one for 150 articles.  The article one will end up being long term they said, after the inital 150.   I would love for something like that to pan out.  Being able to stay home and write, would have to be # 3 on my dream job list.  Number 2, is having enough money that I can open a used book store and let people trade in books, and never worry about the store actually making money:)  Of course, my number one dream job was taken by Indian Jones and there is no way you could get a bullwhip through airport security anymore.  So, I guess that’s not going to happen for me:)

Had to dig a path for the boys to get to the bus stop this morning.  That was fun.  I must be getting old, my knees are killing me.  I didn’t give them much of of path, just enough to get to the curb and someplace to stand and wait.  We are expecting more snow today, who knows how much.

I am glad for the moisture, we need it.  But, I have a really great pair of new boots and I want to wear them somewhere, but they are suede.

That’s all for now folks, I am off to peruse my offers and see what I can get done before the crazy kids get home.  🙂  Please stay off the roads tonight and tomorrow.  Don’t make me write about you! 🙂











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Save Us From Stupid People!

The winter storm that hit the Midwest yesterday, should not have been a surprise to anyone.  I wouldn’t have thought.  It’s  been on the news now for over a week and every single day, they updated the forecast.  Why then are the highways littered with vehicles?  Are all of the these people, so important, that they had to be on the road?  The Governor’s of both Kansas and Missouri, told people to Stay HOME.  The Department’s of Transportation told people to stay HOME.  Not to attempt to go anywhere, because the roads would become impassable.  I do understand that some people just can not go to work.  But, if the city government’s and local military base go to Emergency and Essential personnel only, I think that should give most people a day off.  My husband had to work.  Which I thought was pretty stupid.  But what do I know.  The National Guard had to be called out yesterday to rescue stranded motorists.  The National Guard.  It was a foot of SNOW.  Stay home, wait and it will melt eventually.  I know the hundreds of people who were stranded can’t possible all be emergency workers. I know of one person who just had to go out to get blueberries.  They were on sale.  Now, I am a big fan of sales, but most grocery stores will run their sales for at least 4 days if not a week.  Apparently, the ‘STAY HOME’ warnings didn’t apply to emergency trips for blueberries.

Guess, what?  That person was in an accident almost immediately.  Shocking right?  You won’t believe what happened when this person called the police.  Nothing.  They told this person that they were too busy.  This person was outraged!  How Dare they! 

I just need a minute.

I am continually amazed at how self-absorbed people are.  As if, they are the only person on the planet and the world revolves around them.  I used the above person as one small example, but it is an epidemic.  A month or so back, when there was literally, an epidemic of RSV in small children in the greater KC area, someone I know was taken to the ER and was offended at how poor the care was.  They didn’t even give her a room in the ER, she had to wait in the hallway on a bed.  Then, when she was admitted for tests, she again did not get a room.  At this time, there was not a bed to be found, in any hospital in KC.  The hospitals were FULL of very sick babies.  It had been on the news every day.  I just don’t understand how people can so distance themselves from the real world.  I understand unplugging for a while, but to be so unaware, is completely beyond my apparent understanding.

I was amazed to learn, how many people were not aware we were expecting snow and were completely surprised.  People, you live in the Midwest.  It is winter.  Snow is not unheard of.  People just frustrate me.

As for us, the boys and I stayed home, read books, cooked, played in the snow, played Transformers and Ninja Turtles and wrestled.  And laughed.  I finally had to turn off the TV, because all that was on, was the continuous coverage of the terrible storm that shut down two states.  You would have thought it was the end of the world.  I finally turned the TV off after my 6-year-old told me it wasn’t nice to laugh at those people.  I was laughing at a guy who ran off the road, trying to get to McDonald’s.  He was being interviewed and was very upset that no one could come and pull him out of the ditch, so he could get a McRibb and some fries.

So, here I sit, listening to the reporters talk about how terrible the storm was, how many motorists are stranded and the efforts being made to rescue them.

I think I’ll go build a snow fort.


Thunder Snow!

First off, we seriously need the moisture this storm is bringing.  However, I hate that Bill has to work.  Just about every school in the Midwest is closed.  It just started to snow about 7 am  and by 7:45 am everything is already covered and it had become very hard to see.  Bill has, normally, about a 40-45 minute drive north to get to work.  The road is not a major highway and one of the last to get plowed.  That’s the one he takes.  Hopefully, there won’t be much traffic this morning.  But, to be really honest, I don’t expect him home tonight.  I don’t see that the roads will be cleared by the time he gets off work, which could be between 11 pm and 3 am (yeah, I know he just left, he has to be in this morning at 9 am).  With that in mind, I made him a huge lunch/dinner:)

Yesterday, I made bread.  The boys ate 1/2 the loaf, which was fine, I make really good bread.  Bill found it when he came home last night, so he ate more of it, lol.  Anyway,  I sliced the rest of that up & buttered it, with real butter, for him to take today.  I also put in  gumbo, an orange, can of mackerel, can of Kipper, can of some Gouda Bisque soup, chicken breast & pepper jack sandwich, Pastrami & Swiss sandwich, 2 packets of oatmeal, 1 bag of popcorn, an orange and a peanut butter chocolate bar.  Oh NO, I just realized I didn’t get him anything to drink!  Well, it is a grocery warehouse, surely they have drinks.  I also made him take an emergency blanket, gloves, mask and his heavy boots.   I guess now I just have to wait.  I won’t panic until 9 am.  This is one of those rare times, when I actually think I should have a cell phone.  If  we lose power, and they are predicting we will,  I lose my phones too.  We have VOIP,  Vonage specifically and I normally love it because I can call  my brother in Germany whenever I want and talk for hours for free.  Worse case today, I guess, I could wander next door.  I am so lucky to have a good friend that lives next door & she has a cell phone:)  Maybe if we lose power, we can get together and see what kind of feast we can come up with that doesn’t need cooked!  I have veggies:)

Now television reception is spotty.  We don’t have cable or satellite, I think it’s a waste of money.  No one should watch that much tv.  Read a book.  Do something constructive.  So, we have whatever stations that come in through the antenna.  We do have Netflix, which I love.  So I am not completely anti-entertainment.

On to other news.  This Diet is Terrible!!!!!!  I am hungry and cranky and I want chocolate!   Today, I was supposed to go see my doctor.  Unless, I take the sled to his office, I don’t think I’ll be seeing him today.  I could get there, just not back up the hill lol.  But, as miserable as I am, I suppose it will be worth it if it fixes everything.  One the plus side, I am losing weight really quickly.  So, now nothing fits.  Which I guess is sort of okay, since I did gain weight the first time I quit smoking.  But, I don’t think I should lose anymore.  I like the jeans I have.  Still not smoking, no nicotine at all.  Wow, I just realized it’s been almost 2 months now!

Okay, I am done rambling 🙂  If you are out & about today in this mess, be safe!

Waiting for the Storm

I had hoped that I would be able to at least get all of the laundry caught up today, before the storm hits.  Not gonna happen.  Bill fixed the dryer yesterday, and dried one load, but it isn’t working today.  That is really going to be a problem since they are saying to expect power outages when this storm gets going.  I wanted to take advantage of the extra help, since I am pretty confident the kids will not have school.  I really don’t want to tell Bill that the dryer isn’t working again.  He doesn’t have another day off till Friday ;(

Speaking of which, he will be driving during the storm, at least this year we have a 4-wheel drive.  But, I will still worry.  I wish he could call in.  They are saying anywhere from 8-18 inches, depending on who you listen too.

I want chocolate and I want something with carbs.  This diet sucks.  I want carbs that are soaked in extra sugar then dipped in caramel and chocolate.

Mustard, Kale & Collard Chips

So,  I heard that kale chips are good.  So why not.  I have a batch in the oven now.  I also have mustard greens and collards in the fridge.  I am going to attempt chips with them too.  I have the collards in the oven too.  How bad could it be?  Just raw greens, baked at 350 for 7 minutes.  I can season them after.  I’ll keep you  posted.

Biggest Blizzard in Two Years?

Well, as of about 10 minutes ago, we are now expected to get between 8 and 14 inches of snow.  Lovely.  This is probably all my fault.  I told Bill the other day it would be nice if the boys got a chance to use the sleds they got for the holidays.  Oops.  I guess this means they will cancel school and I’ll be trapped  get to stay, in the house will the boys for the duration of the storm.  I  hope we don’t lose power.  Although if there is going to be ice accumulations, we probably will.  I wonder how long a battery on a DSi will last?  

Now, don’t get me wrong, I love spending time with my boys, and I am sure the first 4 hours or so, of sitting around in a freezing cold house, with no electricity, is going to be a blast.  We can play board games.  They boys love fighting over  playing those.  Then, we can read.  We probably have about 300 children’s books in the house.  I bet they can’t find anything to read.  They can spend an hour or two complaining that their isn’t anything to eat.  I won’t have that problem.  I have tons of kale and other misc veggies to eat.  Speaking of which, I really recommend that everyone try bell peppers, cucumbers, celery, cauliflower and zucchini for breakfast.  Raw,of course, that way you can enjoy them all day. It is so awesome!  You too can be light-headed and gassy:)

Had an awesome day yesterday!  The boys had the day off, so my sister-in-law brought the girls up and they stayed the day.  I guess I should go get some work done:)

Morning’ Ya’ll

I probably won’t do too much today with this.  My sister-in-law and the girls came up last night to spend the day with me and boys.  Yay!  I did see on Facebook this morning that the National Weather Service is predicting some snow and ice for us starting Wednesday.  Maybe up to 4 inches or so.  The city posted a copy of one of the warnings and you would think from what they are saying, it is going to be national disaster.  

People, it is winter.  It does occasionally snow up here, when it is winter.  The only thing we may have to panic about is school being cancelled:)

Personally, I think it may be nice for the boys to actually get to use a sled this year, seeing as how they all got two brand new sleds for the holidays and they haven’t been used yet.


First Full Day of the New Diet

Well, yesterday was exhausting!  We went to every grocery store in town, spent about 5 hours shopping with some VERY challenging kids.  They were pretty good at store #1, but it went down hill after that.  By the time we were finishing up at the last store, I am quite surprised that we didn’t kill each other!  Although it was probably mostly my fault for not feeding them.  But, we only buy groceries every 2 weeks, and I didn’t want to miss any sale items:)  Normally, the boys aren’t with us and it is actually a pleasant day for me and Bill. Anyway, we spent a small fortune on veggies, but I should be good to go.  I now have food, that supposedly I can eat 🙂  We’ll have to see how it goes.  Today will be my first full day and so far, I have a headache.  But, I am not hungry.  I guess a few cups of Kale for breakfast will do that:)